Hellyer revealed that for thousands of years the Earth to visit at least four species of alien. He noted, however, that they are accomodating and even wanted to teach us new technologies. Some of them look like people, and two representatives of one species recently visited Las Vegas - dressed as nurses (!?).

Unfortunately for us - no strangers share their knowledge and technology, because we have too bellicose nature. We proved it in 1945, reaching for nuclear weapons. "They're very worried that we will be stupid enough and again we will use nuclear weapons against each other, which is very bad both for us and for them," - said Hellyer.

In September 2005, Hellyer said bluntly that "UFOs are as real as the airplanes flying over our heads."

Former Canadian defense minister also said that the analysis of thousands of UFO material to suggest that there are many civilizations that have something in such an agreement on the prohibition of interference and contact with barbarian civilizations to which include what is going on Earth. Any earthly origin agonizing UFOs are in his opinion only a waste of time and an attempt to distract people from the real problem with what they say alien civilizations of Earth. Paul Hellyer added that they warn that crossed the "threshold of death" on a scale exploration of natural resources, as well as the rate of natural increase.

Paul Hallyer was present at the same meeting, as our team, or MUFON meeting in Las Vegas in July of 2013. He had his lecture at the main hall of the congress, but spoke about UFOs during numerous meetings. Absolutely he is right, but surprised us a little with these "nurses".

We have not heard anything like that in Las Vegas, although we can not exclude the possibility that we have missed something. In any event, this year's first visit to Australia, but in 2014 there are also plans to meet again UFO literature in the US and - like all goes well - Canada. Then visit the former Defense Minister of Canada.

This is the only man in her life performing such a high function, which talks about UFOs openly, clearly and without means "anesthetic". It makes an impression on the world, and is further evidence that the UFO really shows the world a breakthrough. Traveling through different countries and meeting with people dealing with this phenomenon also observed this phenomenon.

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