Iran defends itself against ...UFO!

In December of 2013. Public Iranian news agency (IRNA) and the daily "Resalat" reported the emergence within a few weeks - tens of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs = UFO) over a dozen cities in 6 provinces of western and north-western part of Iran. UFOs were seen by thousands of eyewitnesses, and failed to state television during the 15 minutes film on Tehran "flickering bright disc-shaped object". UFOs appeared almost exclusively in the evening and at night from approx. 21 to approx. 22 local time ,. According to witnesses watching UFOs, they have a very high speed and maneuverability, moreover shine "sharp lights - white, green, red, blue and purple / maroon". One of the Iranian websites showed "direct transmission" with visible in the sky UFO and Meanwhile, radar control service airspace of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the civil and military airports say they do not record any violations of the sky by any flying vehicles.
Even in situations where the operation of the station objects seen with my own eyes. Iranian authorities' concern about increased only, then when a UFO was observed flying slowly from east to west over the cities of Tabriz and Ardebil and on Golestan province (in the region of the Caspian Sea), and the reason is that in this area there are strategic nuclear facilities of the Islamic Republic. However, "the official Tehran really lost patience" in December 2013. After the flight of UFOs over nuclear facility in Natanz, when after the flight of "intruder" exploded one of the uranium enrichment plant facilities, causing panic in the surrounding residents. Initially, the Iranian military began to declare the intention to shoot down any "flying machines" regardless of what the "aliens" are, if they try again to get close to the plants of strategic importance. And in the last week of December, the Iranian Air Forces were ordered nailing at any price unknown or suspicious flying passing through Iranian airspace. As if to confirm the factors deciding the military, General of the Air Force of Iran Gawami Karim said a few days ago: "We have developed plans for defense nuclear facilities from any threats, using all available means of deterrence." As if in connection with these events on 29 December 2013.
in Moscow they met Iranian ambassador in Russia - Goljamrezy Szafen and General-Colonel Anatoly Pierminowa commanding the Federal Space Agency of Russia. During the talks agreed to cooperate in the creation of satellite "Zohreh" Cosmos and research ... research on UFOs. Despite the above-mentioned official sources of information and scientific state (as in Iran is almost the same) deny any speculation about "smart pozaziemskości" origin of UFOs and over Iran, calling it "a phenomena of atmospheric anomalies" or "asteroids", not However, being able to classify them scientifically. There were also opinions, according to which the UFOs are of "earthly" and are in fact spyware reconnaissance vehicles countries hostile to Iran (which, given the proximity of "NATO's Turkey" and pro-American occupied Iraq coalition) seems likely. The more likely that as early as the end of May 2013. In the Iranian province of Kurdistan crashed BAL (pilotless flying apparatus) probably made in the USA, in 2013. After the war in Iraq began in Western countries media campaign, which can be characterized password :

"Who's next after Iraq? Iran ".

But this is not irrefutable argument if we consider that in 2004. A significant amount of UFO sightings recorded in Indonesia, Australia and China, and in May, Mexican Air Force photo provided 11-in UFOs that were visible only in the infrared, but the interpretation contained Information in this article should be, as usual, to the readers.

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